Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Primary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > Computer

Comparative Research on the Contents of Information Technology in Elementary Schools between China and India

Author YaoRuiLi
Tutor QianXuSheng
School Zhejiang Normal University
Course Educational Technology
Keywords India primary school information technology course content comparative study
CLC G623.58
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Since the second half of the 20th century, no one can stop the wave of information technology to sweep the whole world. Information technology has brought great changes to all aspects of our society. China and India both belong to the third world countries, they has the similar national conditions and development. But India is the world’s second after the U.S. power of information technology. Use its success with IT vocational education, India have trained a large number of outstanding IT professionals for India and the world. However, India’s vocational education takes basic education as a starting point. Basic education pave the very good way for the success of the vocational education. However, Chian’s research in India is still relatively weak in overall. Limited their study of higher education, we have relatively little study about basic education.The paper uses the methods of research, qualitative study and comparative study, and takes the curriculum standards and materials as the main object of study. On the basis of introducing the two countries’ information technology education, we have compared from the select of the course content, t and organization of course content,we have analyzed the similarities and differences. All of this will supply some reference for our country’s reform of basic education.The results show that, in the aspect of the select of course content.China and India have the same selected basis of course content on primary information technology, but have different basis content and select subject,India’s education subject divided very particular,every phase’s task is also very explicit. The main body of select is also different,India have special technology people participation except curriculum experts. In the aspect of organization of course’s content,the author expend from macrography to microcosmic.from big to small,we study it from three latitude of course content framework, the content module and the topic content. The study show that the two countries have different curriculum content framework. China organized the curriculum content in the form of "taking the knowledge-points as the main line", but India is the form of "spiral". On the comparison of the content module, the two countries have the similar content on the module of computer operation, network and software. However, there are some difference in the each of characteristics module, our curriculum focuses more on the students’ open horizons, it involves more content. On the comparison of the theme contents, the two conutries have different curriculum contents on the capacity of knowledge, internal logic of knowledge and the associated degree between knowledge and the actual existence. Our course content have a large knowledge capacity. When introducing the software, it almost covers all the operations of the software. On the linking to the internal logic of knowledge, our course have a loose logical connection, the link between knowledge points are not compact, the penetration is not enough among knowledge points. While India’s course content pay more attention on logical connection of knowledge points than China, including logical connection of the topic and the inter-theme. On the connection degree with practice, our course content still stays in the stage of pure technology and pure tools, and has little connection with practice. However, India’s course content has close connection with students’ everyday life from the initial guide class to the later list of knowledge points.Therefore, after comparing the course content of two countries’ primary information technology, the author has some suggestions about course content of primary information technology. As follows:(1) Establish the flexible learning system, so that students become the main part of course selection to meet the needs of the individual differences of students. (2) Pay attention to knowledge’s vertical excavate,Concern about the students’ basic information literacy abilities, increase the penetration of basic knowledge of information literacy.(3) The arrangement of information technology curriculum must adapt to the cognitive development characteristics of students.(4) Make the content have more associated with the practice, improve the students’ ability of solving problems, apply the information technology into daily life better.(5) Concern about the development of information technology, adjust the course content in time.

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