Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Vocational and technical education > Teachers and students.

On the Professional Development of Teachers in Vocational Schools

Author TaoJun
Tutor TuYanGuo
School Central China Normal University
Course Education and management of
Keywords vocational school the professional development of teacher
CLC G715
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 52
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The development of teacher is the requirements of knowledge economy and information in modern society. It is the performance of improving the educational level of school. The core essential factor of teachers’ professional development is their professional growth. It is different from the teachers in ordinary middle schools that the teachers in vocational schools more emphasis on professional and technical applications and practical abilities. Their professional development in the new era of society has a new meaning. Continuously improving vocational school teachers’ professional technology level and practice ability are the vocational education of teachers’ professional development characteristics and trend, it relates to talents training, which is the target of vocational education, can be better implemented. Compare with the ordinary middle schools, the specific development of teachers in vocational schools has four characteristics:more practicality during process, more differences in demand, evaluation reflects more comprehensiveness and more emphasis on society.In this paper, taking the teachers in Wuhan Tourism School as an example, on the current status of vocational education team analyzed the existing shortcomings mainly in: vocational school teachers are satisfied with the status quo, learning enthusiasm is not high, professional teachers of poor practical skills, little updating of knowledge and so on. Therefore, Wuhan Tourism School adopted the idea innovation, improving teachers’ information literacy, strengthening teachers’ training to improve teachers’ professional development, and achieved good results.Through the practice of Wuhan Tourism School exploration research proof that the development of Vocational school teachers to improve teachers’ overall quality, increase school core competitiveness has the vital significance.

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