Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Vocational and technical education > School Management

Study on the Improvement Stategies in Classroom Management of Secondery Vocational Schools

Author YangLi
Tutor LiGuo
School Guangzhou University
Course Education
Keywords secondary vocational school classroom management management strategies
CLC G717
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Classroom management relates not only to the improvement of the in-class teaching quality but also to the whole development of students. Scientific and effective classroom management plays a significant role in improving teaching quality, promoting students’development and fostering talents of high quality.The enrollment number of vocational school students has been reduced year by year due to the expanding enrollment of high schools, and as a result, the quality of students has also deteriorated. We have more and more students of hazy learning goals and weak self-control with low class concentration. All these factors have greatly affect classroom teaching. Great efforts put in class management while with low effectiveness has become the reality that vocational school teachers have to face. Meanwhile, owning to teachers’ traditional and simple management strategies as well as the ignorance of management skills, the satisfaction achieved from class management is relatively low. Thus how to improve the dynamics and validity of classroom management has become a problem demanding urgent solution.This paper took Guangzhou Real Estate Management School as the researching object, based on the analysis of the students’classroom behaviors and teachers’ classroom management strategies, this paper put forward some solutions to the above-mentioned problems by using research methods of interviews, literature reviews and classroom observation:1 Meet the reasonable demands of students to create an affective ambience for classroom management.2 Make suitable classroom rules to ensure effective implement of classroom management3 Rectify some management behavior to deepen the depth of classroom management.4 Build harmonious communication ways to improve the effectiveness of classroom management

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