Dissertation > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Vocational and technical education > Teaching theories,teaching methods

A Study on the Curriculum Reform of Higher Vocational Education

Author LuJuHua
Tutor OuYangGuangHua
School Central China Normal University
Course Higher Education
Keywords Advanced Vocational Education Curriculum Reform Project Crriculun Architecture Materials and Testing
CLC G712.3
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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The higher vocational education is higher education’ impotant component,along with the quality education’s development,many questions appears gradually, higher vocational schools facing reform. In the process of the vocational schools’ reform,curriculun reform is the most important,and also is the starting point of the reform of teaching content and teaching methods. The study promotes higher vocational education courses from the "knowledge based" to "capabilities-based" transfer to "building and testing" program,for the "Architecture Materials and Testing" as an explam,highlight the project curriculum, deepen and enrich the content of vocational courses and theory. From some practical and enforceable,the study is conducive to the promotion of vocational curriculum reform experience, to avoid fighting each other.From dicussing the theory and practice,the study used a literature analysis, survey method, descriptive research methods, drawing on similar foreign research results, explored the vocational curriculum。Besides the introduction and conclusion,the study is divided into four parts.The first part describes the concepts of vocational curriculum and theoretical basis,definition of main courses and curriculum, including the basic structure and content of the course project elements and basic features.The second part identifies the main problems of higher vocational curriculum,they are the target is not uniform,course content is unreasonable,curriculum implenentation and curriculum evauation is not comprehensive.The third part reveals the reasons for the formation of vocational curriculum,specifically suited to the people,the material and systems not supporting.The fourth patt presents the specific messures of vocational curriculum development,specifically to"arthitecture materials and testing" program,for example,a project to address ways to improve the curriculum reform of vocational courses,to promote the healthy development of vocational curriculum refom.In this study,the author use "Architecture Materials and Testing" as an explam, for other courses of study without in-depth description, but also for theories of the relationship because of the time are not detailed, profound and comprehensive, for these deficiencies I will in the future teaching and research in the continuous refinement and improvement.

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