Dissertation > Art > Painting > Painting techniques > Painting techniques

Inheritance and Innovation-To the Chinese Contemporary Landscape Images Canvas

Author MaFeng
Tutor WuDaMing
School Shanxi University
Course Fine Arts
Keywords Landscape Oil Painting Nationalization Postmodern art Endeavors
CLC J213
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
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Chinese painting has been 100 years of the course of development , the Chinese landscape painting to explore diverse creative practice and theory , and occupy an important position in the history of the development of Chinese painting . Chinese landscape painting course of development of the past 100 years , I found that many artists in the creation of the conscious unconscious into the spirit of traditional Chinese culture , showing a tendency to an imago of landscape painting . And this trend has become increasingly evident in recent years , especially in recent years, the landscape painting showing an image of the tendency , worthy of our in - depth research . In fact, as early as the fifties and sixties in the last century to the face of the development of oil painting , once had a discussion about the nationalization of Chinese oil paintings boom in recent years, saying Intentional Painting , are advocated painting with China 's outstanding traditional culture combine to express the true people of the world of nature itself . Image tends Chinese landscape painting , mainly due to the artists influenced by traditional Chinese imagery thinking , to pursue the \The combination of Chinese landscape painting with traditional Chinese culture imagery provides a broad prospect for Chinese painting to the development process , has a decisive significance for the prosperity and development of Chinese modern art .

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