Dissertation > Economic > Posts and Telecommunications economic > Postal > Postal business organization and management

The Study of Shandong Post E-business Development Strategy

Author ChenLi
Tutor XinLiGuo
School Shandong University
Course Business Administration
Keywords Postal Service of Shandong province Electronic Commerce Development strategy
CLC F616
Type Master's thesis
Year 2011
Downloads 37
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The rapid development of the Internet and the unparalleled efficiency and value that it had created, brings the E-business and has a great impact to the traditional business. To adjust the new era and technique, China Post must develop its own E-business, so the E-business project is born to promote the construction of IT of Shandong post.As a special department of society, China post is playing an important role in E-business development of China and has its own strength. Schumpeter pointed out that with the new production function, companies must replace their old business model with new one, and this process is called creative destruction. Post companies have their own unique strength, and if they were taken advantage of enough, Post companies would have a great development in the E-business area.This paper first describes the history of postal development of e-commerce a few years, certainly the traditional postal policy, business experience, services, brand and reputation advantages, but also analyzes the postal cut bottlenecks encountered in e-commerce development, such as management systems, and quality of personnel and low, and then by analyzing the profile of the current domestic and international commerce, the use of strategy analysis tool to analysis external environment and internal capabilities for postal enterprises, meanwhile reaching the result of the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of Shandong Post. On the basis of the analysis, the author proposed the strategic objectives and planning of Shandong Post E-business. At last, the author proposed some measures, such as police supporting, marketing, brand and cooperating, to put the strategic objective and planning into implementation.

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